Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Fergie!

File Under Tranimal...
Yesterday was our favorite tranimal's birthday. We're sorry we missed it, but we can make it up to her Royal Meth-majesty. The singer says it's 32 years old... but in tranimal years, let's see... that makes 83!
But what shall we get shim to celebrate the day it hatched? A trance CD? A transistor radio? Or how about a tranquil day at the groomer, um, spa where it can transcend the hectic schedule of being a famous she-male. Maybe we should get shim something more practical -- like a new transmission for its Trans Am! Nahh... let's give ourselves a present and send the beast on a transcultural trip! We'll even throw in this guidebook, which will help it to translate and conduct transactions with the locals on her transcontinental journey. Have a trantastic trip!

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