Thursday, March 13, 2008

Math, With Paula Abdrool

Here at Shebiscuits & Tranimals we believe that learning can be fun! So, we've asked Paula Abdrool, American Idol's resident tranwreck, to help us practice our math -- the fun way.

Hey Paula, if you fill all your prescriptions at 10 a.m., and get 40 Vicodin, 355 Xanax, 22 Valium, 80 Temazepam and 2 Nuprin (Little. Yellow. Different.), how many pills will you have when Idol airs at 8 p.m.? Show us with your fingers.

That's right! You'll have three pills at 8 p.m.

Extra Credit: Compare the number of pills Paula has left at 8 p.m. with the number of cocks Ryan Shecrest gobbled between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m., when Idol starts?

A. Pills > Cocks
B. Pills < Cocks
C. Pills = Cocks

The correct answer is B. Nothing > Shecrest's cock gobbling!

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