Tuesday, December 18, 2007

EXCLUSIVE: Jamie-Lynn Accepts Teen Poor Choice Award in Vegas

Watch Shamey-Lynn Shears's XXXclusive video interview. And tell us, what will JLS name her first child?

DEVELOPING: Shamey-Lynn Spears Wins Teen Pro Choice Award

Introducing: The Tranwreck!

Shamey-Lynn Spears has won Nickelodeon's first Teen Poor Choice award.

After revealing she is pregnant with the third Spears-Federline baby, the orange actress, who stars in the hit show Zoey 101(:Lbs. And Counting), received a special award for choosing to keep the baby she made with Federline.

Spears decided to keep the baby, quoting her super famous sister Britney Shears, and said, "I'm keeping it. We made another miracle, y'all."

Reportedly, Spears is smarter than a fifth grader but still got pregnant on a East-bound flight from L.A.'s LAX to New York's LGA, when her flight flew within 150miles of a West-bound flight that K-Fed was on.

Phone calls to Federline's sperm were not immediately returned.


Hipsterz made us lol!!1!1111!

EXCLUSIVE: Ashley Clydesale's New Muzz Shot!

High School Moosical star Ashley Clydesdale has given S&T the exclusive photos of her difficult recovery from her recent rhinoplasty surgery which completely changed the petite ponytailed pony's muzzle. (At right; her before photo. At left; Clydesdale, bandaged after the traumatic treatment.) The operation, performed by Dr. Hornie, the best rhinoceros surgeon at Disney, was successful. Next up for the well-hoofed filly? She's back in the saddle, with new episodes of her hit show, The Stable Life of Sack and Grody.